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17 (Funny, Unusual, Artful, Tasteful) Valentine’s Day Cards

Photo-Illustration: Courtesy of the retailer.

Celebrating Valentine’s Day this year doesn’t have to involve a meme-y “There’s nobody I’d rather isolate with” kind of card — don’t fret. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or you’re wondering if the person you’re seeing wants to make things official, there are plenty of actually nice Valentine’s Card options. We’ve found tasteful, artsy, punny, and even pop-up options for pretty much everyone — even those who hate the holiday but secretly keep an eye on the postbox. While most of the cards are available on Amazon, we’ve found some options elsewhere for those who like to shop around. Lastly, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and the final shipping date for most retailers is February 10. We’ve added a line on the last shipping date for each product and noted if it’s available on Amazon Prime.

Funny and punny Valentine’s Day cards

Perfect for the sweetheart who loves brunch.

Last date to purchase: 11 February.

Suggested inscription: “Bee mine.”

Last date to purchase: 10 February (Prime).

For the partner you’ve just moved in with.

Last date to purchase: 12 February (Prime).

These fruity cards come in a multipack — perfect if you have a few valentines this year. [Editor’s note: this product is low in stock.]

Last date to purchase: 12 February (Prime).

While it’s not strictly true that penguins mate for life, we still dig this punny card. [Editor’s note: this product is low in stock].

Last date to purchase: 12 February (Prime).

Pop-up Valentine’s Day cards

If you want something even more ornate, we like this 3-D cherry-blossom card.

Last date to purchase: 12 February (Prime).

Photo: retailer

A charming 3-D card in a matchstick box.

Last date to purchase: 10 February (Prime).

A touch extra but still charming.

Last date to purchase: 12 February (Prime).

Pedants will appreciate the full stop at the end of the typed sentence in the mini-typewriter.

Last date to purchase: 12 February (Prime).

A nice way to announce you’ve made a dinner reservation.

Last date to purchase: 12 February (Prime).

Artful Valentine’s Day cards

A more affordable alternative to an Emin neon.

Last date to purchase: 10 February (Prime).

A good option for an as-yet-undefined relationship.

Last date to purchase: 10 February (Prime).

Blank Valentine’s Day cards

We suggest pairing it with a bunch of flowers.

Last date to purchase: 9 February (Prime).

For your Arts and Crafts sweetheart.

Last date to purchase: 12 February (Prime).

Keep it simple and heartfelt.

Last date to purchase: 10 February (Prime).

And a book of stamps

Did you know you can pick up a book of stamps on Amazon too (should you be self-isolating)?

Last date to purchase: 12 February (Prime).

The Strategist UK is designed to surface the most useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Read about who we are and what we do here. Our editors update links when possible, but note that deals can expire and all prices are subject to change.

17 (Funny, Unusual, Artful, Tasteful) Valentine’s Day Cards